April 11, 2003

Resetting The Cycle

I've now been awake for 29.5 hours. This is in a valiant attempt to reset my sleep cycle. The plan here was to stay awake all last night and all today then go to bed at a normal time. It seems to be working other than the fact that I'm doing no work as I feel too tired.

Last night was fairly weird. Being awake in a house when everyone is asleep is definately a bit freaky! Creaping round trying to be quiet, yet trying to stay awake are rather conflicting ideas. In the end I watched a couple of movies.

Ventured out of the house as far as Beeston today, couple of items to get for the weekend. Failed completely to get a paper though, mainly as I forgot to write it on my list. DOH! Beeston was a bit odd, no students and all, full of scally school kids in uniform, despite the fact that it was 14:30! Why they weren't in school? I've no idea, kids today!

This evenings dinner was sweet and sour chicken with rice, and I might add no washing up has been done this evening! It seems asking for that is a bit much! but so long as its done in time for dinner tomorrow I shall remain happy. It'd be nice to go to the kitchen to cook and not have to ask someone to do washing up so I CAN for once!

But enough of the bitching! I have a funny feeling that the blog isn't gonna get updated for a while, group project among other things are looming! So fare the well till we next meet.

Posted by Russ at April 11, 2003 10:45 PM

You forgot to add that the washing had all been done from last night before you even had chance to think about requesting it be done... see what happens when no-one is moaned at... things get done...

Posted by: Ant at April 11, 2003 11:28 PM