May 18, 2005

Holiday! It Would Be So Nice!

Well, looks like I'm off on holiday later on this year with some rather interesting company! Should be booked in the next week or so. Off to spain for some lazy summer sun, beers and a general all round good time ;-)

Today has been ok in all. Still feeling a bit tired, but hey, on the run in to the weekend now, so thats half the battle won. Still haven't booked a Starwars ticket yet, but might do it after I;ve posted this, or at work tomorrow. And just in case my boss ever reads this, don't worry, I'll do it on my lunch break! 99% of the Steel is up at work and the last section of the superstructure starts tomorrow. Feel like its all slowly coming together now. Its just all getting a bit repetative because of the systematic nature of the project. Though that said some novel and cool problems/solutions raised their heads today. Shall be looking forward to what happens next on them.

Found some old pictures (circa 1994!) that I got from holiday then whilst I was rummaging about tonight. Have decided to get them framed and try to theme the study to some degree. This means I'll have two themed rooms in the house out of a possible four (I'm not counting the kitchen and bathroom, they should just be appropriately clean!). Will have to think of something to do with the dinning room and the bedroom and then I'll be there!

Anyways, Thursday evening ramble over, I'm off to go look at exciting things I can do on holiday! Oh! and to work on my six-pack so I can show it off by the pool!

Posted by Russ at May 18, 2005 09:37 PM