Well, my late start was evened out by a late finish. Preached to school kids for the best part of the day and judging by the feedback quite a few were swayed to the dark side of engineering and construction. It would appear me and O'Connell make a formidable team! Quite enjoyed it too, some of the questions were quite engaging and reminded me why I decided on this as a career in the first place.
This evenings late return was due to a meeting of the ICE Graduate & Student committee. This did mean meeting some new people, which is always fun. It also meant I wasn't the newest member of the committee, which was quite relieving! Some interesting ideas got thrown about and next years calendar looks pretty good. Getting to set the topics for future civils meetings at least means I'll be interested in them and be more likely to go, as its likely to only be me on my tod! Have also committed myself to a few actions regarding visits to schools and stuff and seeing if I can get other Engineers to come along for the ride. Get to go to events with free beer too! Which should be good. Also slyed the email of a reasonably good looking lady :-).
Tomorrow is back to the grind stone, will be the big "STOP IT AND TIDY UP AND THE BIG BAD NO!" as someone important (well extremely) is comming to visit on Thursday at work. All I have to do is keep my mouth shut and avoid the P45! Dinner calls, its 21:30 and I haven't eaten since 18:15, something quick and easy required, probably a steakwich...
Posted by Russ at June 14, 2005 09:27 PM