June 28, 2005

Complaints! and not about my T-shirt suntan!

Well, it appears people do read my ramblings as there have been complaints about the lack of post recently! What can I say in my defence? Well, I have been particularly busy, work-wise and socially. Been going all over the shop for peoples birthdays (you know who you are ;-)) as well as visiting parentals for occasions such as father's day (begging the question, why is there no kids day?). So not really been here. On top of that the weather has been far too good recently to be sitting inside and writing posts, especially when I could be outside with a nice cold beer...

Suffice to say the be all and end all of the last two weeks has been A LOT of work, mixed in with a couple of eventful visits to schools, which went well, but proved you can't beat a good upbringing. The job progresses well, been busy engineering properly (standing between 2 blocks yelling instructions) and pointing out to architects JUST HOW RETARDED THEY ARE! Though they seem not to be listening, maybe I need to talk more slowly and use smaller works, rather than incompetent and remedial!

Socially, fathers day proved to be less painful than expected, though met a total random on the train who I have now swapped numbers with. This for now I'm counting as an extra mate, of which you can never have too many, though it may prove to be useful in getting another mate a job! The strangest things do happen to me! Someones birthday proved to be a relatively low stress afair, despite meeting of other family members, restaurants being either burnt down, shut for refurbishment or completely booked. Overall though went rather well.

On the horizon looms a trip to Nottingham, a work "touchy feely get together", a formal dinner and of course the holiday! Currently building up quite a nice base tan... Shame its only on my forearms! To top it all off I'm also going to try and squeeze in a trip to see War of the Worlds this Thursday. Only hope its as good as the original, rumour has it its supposed to be a bit of a stonker!

TTFN, promise I'll post again soon.

Posted by Russ at June 28, 2005 06:42 PM